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ANZMTG 02.12 RADICAL Trial (2 September 2015)

This is a video of RADICAL trial. A randomised controlled multicentre trial of imiquimod versus radiotherapy for lentigo maligna (LM) when staged surgical excision with 5mm margins is not possible, is refused, or fails.

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ANZMTG 01.07 Whole Brain Radiotherapy in Melanoma Trial (17 April 2012)

This is a video for patients who have metastatic melanoma with deposits in their brain and for their family and friends. The video describes current treatment of melanoma brain metastases and has interviews with Australian clinicians.

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ANZMTG 01.12 EAGLE FM Trial - Evaluation of Groin Lymphadenectomy Extent For Metastatic Melanoma  

This is a video demonstrating an open minimally invasive technique for pelvic lymph node dissection which is the recommended technique in this study.

Administering an NCF assessment (19 August 2012)

This 19-minute video shows a complete NCF assessment. After an introduction by the chief investigator, Dr. Gerald Fogarty, and a behavioural scientist, Dr. Haryana Dhillon, the video goes on to show how to properly administer all six assessments as well as how to handle a few common questions that might arise during the testing.

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Clare Oliver Anniversary - Melanoma survivor interviews - Jay Allen (19 September 2012)

On 13 September 2007, Clare Oliver lost her battle with skin cancer. Five years on, SunSmart Victoria spoke to melanoma survivors who are keeping her legacy alive.

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Melanoma: Winning the Battle (26 August 2012)

Medical oncologist, Dr Georgina Long, is speaking about the battle against melanoma and the future of treatment. This recording was done at the launch of the Melanoma Genome Project at Melanoma Institute Australia on 24th August 2012.

The Melanoma Genome Project is an ambitious and important two-year national research program that aims to identify the common gene mutations that lead to melanoma. The effort aims to identify new targets for effective treatments based on the genetic characteristics of individual melanomas.

For more information, visit

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